God’s Spectacular Design in the Chilly Mundane

A poem about the small Winter surprises in the North

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Prisms In the Snow

Miniscule rainbows
shimmering like prisms
on white.
I hesitate to step
to crumple
the wonderment
The Creator
blessed me with.

If I did not feel
so inundated
with less ethereal tasks
I’d sit
and soak in
the majestic sight
as a child
until the sun hides Its rays
behind the pines
and I would thank Him
for everyday blessings.

The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Psalm 19:1a, NIV

His creation reflects God’s glory. It calls us into praise and worship of our Heavenly Father every day–if we’re not too busy to see it.

‘Til next time, remember you are loved by the One who created you in His image.

~ Lynne

How to create your own frozen bubbles.

*This poem was originally published on Medium in the Koinonia publication.

Just a Minute – a poem

hourglass with clock
Photo by Jordan Benton on Pexels.com

Just a Minute

News spews endless atrocities

every minute of every day of every week

wars and politics and wars about politics

and countless voices vying for attention

with urgent needs and opinions

while speeding cars and trucks race

like rats away and back again.

But I wasn’t created for this.

I don’t believe any of us were —

in the beginning.

There was a time long ago when a minute

held less but much more at the same time

when it was filled with quiet stillness

and the only things busying were the bees.

A time similar to this one minute

when all is quiet in the early morning

and the only sounds are the minute as it ticks by

and the chorus of the dawn

singing a sweet melody of belonging

and the calm breeze rustling the birch with a voice

like a thousand silver coins falling from heaven

as it meanders along the road

carrying news from grazing cows

that all is intrinsically right with the world.

I take a minute to listen —

take a minute to not do

take a minute to simply be –

in gratitude that I’m part of this

magnificent minute of creation.

~ Lynne

*This poem was originally posted in the publication Weeds & Wildflowers on Medium, May 28. 2022