If it Quacks Like a Duck

Haiku from the gardens at White Rose Shire

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

If it Quacks Like a Duck

I learned this today
if it quacks like a duck it may
just be a Wood Frog

I was intrigued by a new sound coming from the pond. It wasn’t the usual chorus of mating Peeper frogs ensuring the survival of their species. That was always a welcome sound in late March at the shire because it meant spring was surely arriving soon.

This was a more robust sound, like many ducks debating in the House of Commons. Loud opinions and louder rebuttals in a constant vie to be heard.

After searching Google for an hour or so, I found the name of our very vocal lodgers. Who would have thought a frog could quack like a duck?

Listen to the Wood Frog call and learn about their mating habits.

~ Lynne