Why I Switched My NaNoWriMo Focus the Week Before

When life changes without warning

I planned to write a short, cozy garden mystery for NaNoWriMo. Dutifully, as a plantser (hybrid planner and pantser), I began jotting down notes for possible clues and motives and searching Pinterest to create my annual NaNo board to spur me onward to my goal.

Photo by Sam 🐷 on Unsplash

I felt good about my progress when a financial shift occurred out of the blue. We discovered our monthly income was not what we’d received in previous months. The only solution was for me to monetize my writing better.

That meant more writing of what would bring in a return the fastest. As I saw it, I had three options.

1. I could carry on writing my mystery story and hope for a fantastic book launch with considerable sales in three months (experience said, “not likely.”)

2. I could write several ebooks for my Etsy shop with more chances of earlier success.

3. I could write more on Medium and hope I’ve got the algorithm right this month.


Daunted and confused, I turned to prayer. (I should have started there. Hey, that could be another poem!) It became more apparent that I had not one choice of three options but three options to achieve the same goal collectively.

NaNoWriMo Woes

I had an idea this time
to write a mysterious crime
with murderous beast
five suspects at least
and victim appearing deceased.

But life took a turn to the side
and all of my notes I did hide.
Instead, I did flop
facing my laptop
and outlined new books for my shop.

Then joy filled each thought
as I prayed like I ought
and I saw that I could do both.
With November’s troth
I wrote down a personal oath.

And now Nano’s here
and I have no fear.
I can write a cozy plus two
Etsy ebooks for you.
That’s three books in all brand new!

*originally published in KOINONIA on MEDIUM

Til next time, remember — you are loved by the One who created you in His image.

~ Lynne

What God Really Wants

“Rise” by Ray Majoran in Compassion Gallery — 100% of profits go to charities

What God Wants
What if all that God requires of me
is the simplest thing
as I wake in the morning
before I do any other thing
before I make any other decision
about what to eat
or what to wear
before I speak
or comb my hair
before I sit at my desk
what if I simply ask
“What do You have for me today?”
and listen to what He has to say?

Just one simple thing
What if it’s that simple? I mean, really that simple? Have we been overcomplicating this trust in God thing? Have we wasted so much time reading the perfect study books and taking the perfect writing courses? Maybe attending the perfect workshops or listening to the ones we think have the perfect biblical answers?

“It’s acceptable. It’s been normalized. It’s expected. But that doesn’t make it right.”

Kimberley Payne

Kimberley Payne speaks on busyness in “Meeting Faith: 100 Devotions for Women on Family, Fitness, and Faith.”

I was busy doing all those things and getting nowhere until I remembered God had the answers to all my questions. He knew me better and more intimately than anyone I thought knew what was best for me. He knew my struggles and how I could overcome the fogginess in my mind and aching in my heart. And who knows social media marketing algorithms better?

I wanted to serve Him, but I’d forgotten to ask what He wanted me to do!

His burden is light

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:29–30 (NIV)

Now I make sure I choose to ask God every morning before I do anything else. I thank Him for the new day and the opportunity to serve Him as His daughter. I wait for Him to speak to me and ask what He also wants me to learn that day. Then I chose one devotional book and followed the writer’s prompts to read further in Scripture.

I usually get a prompt to think about something throughout the day. Sometimes I get an idea for a short memoir or a few lines for a poem! Sometimes I’m led to have a conversation with a friend or maybe pray for someone that suddenly comes to mind out of the blue.

All other things stand firm in their rightful position for the day if that one foundation is laid first. Even if I’m not prompted to do anything in particular, I know I’m still in His will because I did the simplest thing first — I asked.

So, as I go about my day, I occasionally pause and listen, content to wait for His answer.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Matthew 6:33–34 (NIV)

‘Til next time–I hope you take time to listen to God as He speaks to you in the quiet moments (or seconds) of your day.

(this post was originally published in Medium)
